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Volume 1: Green with Envy is made up of the first 3 adventures of the 12-part adventure series 'Green with Envy'. This volume includes adventures created for 1-6 characters of level 1-4. These adventures are campaign setting neutral and can easily take place in any fantasy world.

The Green with Envy 12-part series begins with a scavenger hunt in the woods (GE-001), and culminates in a showdown with an ancient green dragon (GE-012).

GE-001. The Green Flower


The Duchy of Emera is ruled over by the Duke and Duchess Wainsyl. Their only child, Prince Edren, is having a birthday within the next few days. He has requested the Green Flower, whose likeness graces the family seal, as his gift. Rumor has it this Green Flower has only ever appeared to the family’s original patriarch, the prince’s long-dead Grandfather and first Duke of the Wainsyl line.

The Green Flower is real and can be found inside a now-crumbling shrine in the heart of the Old Greenswood forest. The shrine was built in service to a dragon and is guarded by a Basilisk, which has made the forest its home. The shrine sits in the center of its lair, and unsurprisingly, the area around the shrine is peppered with stone sculptures.

The Court’s mystic, Felldran Amarken, has been manipulating the prince on behalf of an ancient green dragon, who sent him recurring dreams of the flower. He has advised the sleepless prince that to break his “curse,” he must attain it.

What's included?

Maps. Two areas mapped and ready for your VTT of choice. Grid, No Grid, and Notated options of all maps.

Monsters. All of the Monsters and stat blocks needed to play right away. Includes 6 monsters (Boar, Giant Boar, Wolf, Scout, Bandit Captain, and Basilisk!) and 2 unique monsters Topiary Beast and Topiary Warrior.

Items. Includes unique item (Green Flower).

GE-002. Fair Day!


For several weeks, the entire town has been preparing for  the prince’s birthday. Today is finally the day, Prince Edren’s  twentieth birthday. The afternoon will hold contests, games,  a Royal Parade, and a Birthday Circus. Every shop along the  main street is decked in bunting, and festive flags hang  across windows and doors.  

The town streets and parade grounds are stuffed with  vendor tents, booths, games, and a cacophony of  excitement. Bards camp every corner, competing for  crowds, and children dart underfoot. The crowd is a mix of  locals, travelling vendors, and tourists, all here for the famed  celebrations.  

In the shadows of the event, the occasional cutpurse makes  a mark, but even they seem scarce in the merry, neighborly  atmosphere.  

When the time is right, during the peak of festivities and the  procession of the royal family, a group of wood elves release  the wild animals from the Carnival Cornucopia’s Circus. The  animals make their way into the festival and bring chaos to  an already over-stimulated crowd.

What's included?

Maps. One areas mapped and ready for your VTT of choice. Grid, No Grid, and Notated options of all maps.

Monsters. All of the Monsters and stat blocks needed to play right away. Includes 7 monsters (Scout, Veteran, Owlbear, Elephant, Giant Scorpion, Manticore, Panther)

Items. Includes unique items (Potion of Flame Breath, Bracer Quiver, Shower Bead).

GE-003. Effluence of the Affluent


Until recently, Emercester has been a neighborly place  where folks have little to fear. But now crime has made its  way in, seeping in from no-one-knows-where. Merchants  and citizens alike are losing goods to petty theft, raids, and  even open banditry. The town guard Is working longer shifts  with more casualties, and morale is flagging. The town magister has sent for help from the Ducal Palace, but the  pleas go unanswered, and the problems persist.

There is a reason for the palace’s silence. Felldran Amarken  has been poisoning the Wainsyl family with Dream Draught  and has used their resulting despondence to his advantage.  He moved a group of green kobold cultists into Emercester,  who have taken up residence beneath the local Shroom  Shoppe. They have built a shrine to the ancient green dragon  Eddrantayr, and their criminal activities have helped them  grow a small hoard in anticipation of their dragon master’s  return.  

Unlike the rest of those within the Ducal Palace, Captain  Roderick the Young has never felt better. His youth has been  restored with the daily panacea Felldran crafted for him. He  is aware of the thief troubles, but he has been ordered by the  duke (at Felldran’s suggestion) to hold all of the royal guards  back to defend the palace.  

Unwilling to let the people of Emercester suffer alone,  Roderick secretly assigned one of his elite guards, Tomas, to  investigate the problem. Tomas found more than a little trouble and was taken prisoner by the kobolds. The Shroom Shoppe was his last known destination.

What's included?

Maps. One area mapped and ready for your VTT of choice. Grid, No Grid, and Notated options of all maps.

Handout. Sewer Map handout to share with the players.

Monsters. All of the Monsters and stat blocks needed to play right away. Includes 3 monsters (Gray Ooze, Giant Centipede, Kobold) and 3 unique monsters (Insect Swarm Centipedes, Kobold Thief, Kobold Cultist) Items. Includes unique items (Centipede Venom, Dream Draught, Bugbear Strength Potion).


Buy Now$7.99 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $7.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

GE-001 Adventure The Green Flower.zip 31 MB
GE-002 Adventure Fair Day!.zip 9.2 MB
GE-003 Adventure Effluence of the Affluent.zip 11 MB

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